OXYTRANS/OXYSTEAM is a very precise, optical oxygen sensor from Centec, Germany to continuously monitor dissolved oxygen (O2) in liquids and gases for:
The blow off of exhaust steam vapor in the degassing process causes a continuous steam loss of 0.2-0.5%. This has always been an issue without a good solution in place.
The OxySteam Regulation System from Centec monitors and controls the steam exhaust by an Oxygen sensor and can be connected to an automated shut-off valve:
Controlling the degassed O2 content with the OXYTRANS TR Sensor in the vapour can reduce the steam loss in a boiler up to 95%
Diaphragm seals are used to protect pressure instruments from corrosive, viscous, clogging or hot process media and safeguard highly hygienic and ultra pure liquids from contamination.The seals and membranes are customized for a variety of applications with different materials, coatings and linings, mounting and connection types.